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code notes: Event Design introduces important and powerful code for using mouse/trackpad and keyboard input.
design notes: Event Design introduces code that enables interaction and user engagement.
code: mouseX and mouseY variablesuser event: pointing
code: mouseX and mouseY variablesuser event: pointing, with offset
code: mouseX and mouseY variablesuser event: pointing, with easing
code: mouseX and mouseY variablesuser event: mark making, with point
code: mouseX and mouseY variablesuser event: mark making, with point, and random strokeWeight
code: pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY variablesuser event: mark making, with line
code: pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY variablesuser event: mark making, with line, and random strokeWeight
code: pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY variablesuser event: mark making, with line, and abs strokeWeight
code: mousePressed variableuser event: mark making, with line
code: mousePressed functionuser event: mark making, with point
code: mousePressed variable and mousePressed functionuser event: mark making, and "erasing" the composition
code: keyPressed variableuser event: mark making, with ellipse
code: mousePressed variable and keyPressed variableuser event: mark making, and "erasing" the composition
code: mousePressed variable and keyPressed functionuser event: mark making, and "erasing" the composition
code: keyPressed variable, keyPressed function, key assignmentsuser event: keyboard control, background
code: keyPressed variable, keyPressed function, keyCodeuser event: keyboard control, background
code: keyPressed variable, mousePressed function, keyCodeuser event: keyboard control, line
code: mousePressed function, save fileuser event: generate graphic file
code: saveFrame function, frameCount variableuser event: generate graphic file
code: mouseX and mouseY variablesuser event: mouse tracking, collision detection
code: mouseX and mouseY variablesuser event: mouse tracking, collision detection, proximity
code: mouseX, mouseY, boolean variableuser event: mouse tracking, collision detection, in motion
code: mouseX, mouseY, clipuser event: mouse tracking, reveal content
code: boolean variable testuser event: change states/scenes
code: conditional if, else if, elseuser event: change states/scenes
code: linkuser event: link to a file or website